Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flexi working hours

So I woke up today to an SMS that said, Hi David, saw your handsome face on the Sunday Times today, you're not with Rainbow anymore?

For you guys who dont' know what Rainbow's are, they're the bestest vacuum cleaners around which I sold to over a hundred customers here in Malaysia in a span of 1.5 years. During my time working there I had some of the best flexi working hours ever. I woke up about 11am. Got out to have lunch at about 12noon, then went somewhere to make phone calls to setup appointments for the week, then after dinner I'd go do a demo at someone's house. On the weekends is where I'd pack my schedule up way more as everyone's home and waiting to buy a Rainbow. Weekdays were more relaxed, play some badminton, watch some movies, but just made sure my weekends were full.

Then I came to work at Nuffnang recently, which also had flexi working hours. (maybe if they didn't I would have left already, ahhahahaha). So which comes back to my point on the SMS i received this morning. And a few more of similar SMSs from other friends pointing me to check myself out on the Sunday times.

Whcih eventually I did, and found this.

This is the link for the article online. But no pics.

So yeah, my lil sunday fame. on a national paper.

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